The winning thesis of the EuroISME Prize for the best European thesis on military ethics are regularly published as PDF cahiers in English, French, and German on our website.
Winning Thesis 2023
1st Prize – Sandra Kürzinger. Provide medical care to the enemy? Emergency paramedics between medical ethics and military mission. An empirical survey of veterans.
- Download PDF in German (PDF)
- The translations to EN and FR are underway and will be provided in due time.
Winning Thesis 2022
1st prize – Matthew R.C. Fyjis-Walker. Explore the use, and implications, of sanitized language by the public authorities in explaining violence to the electorate in the UK
- The English version is published on an open-access basis with publisher Martinus Nijhoff. See
- Télécharger la version française (PDF)
- Deutsche Fassung herunterladen (PDF)
2nd prize - Adrien Aury. The application of Just War Theory to peace operations.
Winning Thesis 2021
1st prize – Richard Heames. What should informed consent in the military look like in relation to pharmacological enhancements?
2nd prize – Kevin van Loon. Military ethics education for Royal Netherlands Army (candidate) officers: a continuous curriculum?
Winning Thesis 2020
1st prize – Julia Franziska Maria Böcker. "In the face of such 'unspeakable truths', would it not be better to siply, silently, bow down?" Fragen juristischer, politischer und ethischer Aufarbeitung des Völkermords an den Herero und Nama.
- Will be published as OpenAccess Publication by Martinus Nijhoff/ Brill soon.
2nd prize – Louise Henton. Military Culture and Human Rights Violations Committed in Iraq in 2003. Has the Military Learnt its Lessons?
- Download PDF in English
- Traduction française pas encore publiée
- Deutsche Übersetzung noch nicht verfügbar.
Winning Thesis 2019
1st prize – Marcus Curran, Towards a genealogy of precision in discourse of drone warfare.
2nd prize – Lloyd Pritchard, Is just war theory a credible tool to explain contemporary war, globally?
- Download PDF in English
- Télécharger la traduction françasise (PDF)
- Deutsche Übersetzung als PDF herunterladen
Honourable citation – Maximillian Görgens, Die Transformation vom bewaffneten zum politischen Akteur als Beitrag zum Frieden? Die FARC in Kolumbien?
Winning Thesis 2018
1st Prize – Ilse Verdiesen, Agency perception and moral values related to Autonomous Weapons
- Ilse Verdiesen, “Agency perception and moral values related to Autonomous Weapons” (English)
- Ilse Verdiesen, "La perception de l’agentivité et les va- leurs morales relatives aux armes autonomes" (Français)
- Ilse Verdiesen, "Auffassungen und moralische Wertvorstellungen innerhalb der Streitkräfte und Zivilbevölkerung in Bezug auf autonome Waffensysteme" (Deutsch)
2nd Prize – David C. Glendenning, Who really sets the bearing on my moral compass?
- David C. Glendenning, “Who really sets the bearing on my moral compass?” (English)
- David C. Glendenning, "Qui règle les repères de ma boussole morale?" (Français)
- David C. Glendenning, "Wer bestimmt über meinen moralischen Kompass?" (Deutsch)
Winning Thesis 2017
1st Prize – Samantha J. Hope, Is it possible to prevent sexual violence against women, men and children, or only to manage the after-effects?
- Samantha J. Hope, Is it possible to prevent sexual violence against women, men and children, or only to manage the after-effects? (English)
- Samantha J. Hope, Est-il possible d’empêcher l’utilisation de la violence sexuelle en tant qu’arme de guerre contre les femmes, les hommes et les enfants, ou seulement d’en prévenir les conséquences ? (Français)
- Samantha J. Hope, Ist es möglich, sexuelle Gewalt als Kriegswaffe gegen Frauen, Männer und Kinder zu verhüten oder nur die Nachwirkungen zu behandeln? (Deutsch)
The winning thesis of Samantha Hope is also available as Volume 5 of our book series. Click here for more information.