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The International Society for Military Ethics in Europe
Leadership. Ethics. Service.

ManfredRosenbergerMany members and friends of Euro-ISME will fondly remember Manfred Rosenberger, who resigned from the Euro-ISME Board in 2024 due to ill health.

I am very sorry to have to tell you that as a result of his illness Manfred passed away earlier this week

It is no exaggeration to say that without Manfred there would have been no Euro-ISME. He was one of the driving forces behind the creation of Euro-ISME and never lost his determination and enthusiasm for its continued growth and influence. He was also a great advocate for European unity and the contribution that Europeans could make to the cause of military ethics.

Manfred devoted much of his time to Euro-ISME after a long and distinguished career in the German army. He was not only one of the founders of Euro-ISME but was for many years its sole executive director, before stepping back from that role to become an influential Board member.

After his resignation last year, we had to adjust to a new normal, without Manfred’s contributions. Sadly, for all of us, we now know that this absence will be permanent.

Our thoughts are with his wife Liane and his two children Malte and Anna Lea.

John Thomas
President, Euro-ISME