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The International Society for Military Ethics in Europe
Leadership. Ethics. Service.

imgavGnIXpgiUOVEuroISME participated in this year's meeting of the International Society for Military Sciences in Stockholm, Sweden, from 10 to 12 September, in the form of Vice-President Stefan GUGEREL from Austria. The overall title of this year's conference, which is primarily a networking event for students and academic researchers, was 'Scaling Up, Learning Lessons, Ensuring Quality', with at least the second and third points being very exciting from an ethical point of view.

The aim of the International Society for Military Sciences is to provide a network for the creation, development, exchange and dissemination of research and knowledge on war, conflict management and peace-building. The Society organises an annual conference and one or more workshops each year. The Society's Working Groups 5 (Military Law and Military Ethics) and 7 (Military and Society) have provided a special focus on issues of unifying ethical education in the armed forces.