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The International Society for Military Ethics in Europe
Leadership. Ethics. Service.

From 11-15 September 2024, the Executive Directors of EuroISME, Daniel Beaudoin and Ted van Baarda, conducted a reconnaissance in the Estonian city of Tartu.
The aim was to prepare for EuroISME’s next annual conference which will take place next May in this city.
They visited the Baltic Defence College where they met its Commandant, Brig.Gen. Alvydas Šiuparis and with Deputy Commandant Col. Dietmar Hartung.
The Executive Directors also visited the museum of the University of Tartu, which has a magnificent hall available.

town hall tartuNoteworthy is that the city of Tartu will be the cultural capital of Europe for the year 2024. A host of cultural activities, ranging from exhibitions to concerts will take place.
The city is now promoting this under #TARTU2024... One side-effect may be that hotel rooms will be in demand.
The Executive Directors are at present in close contact with the tourist office of Tartu, in order to clarify the matter.

After the reconnaissance had been concluded, Ted van Baarda stayed a day longer in Tartu in order to deliver a guest lecture plus practical workshops on military ethics at the Baltic Defence College.

In the class room were officers from the Baltic countries, Poland, Ukraine, Georgia, France, Germany and the United States.