From March 15th to 17th, EuroISME conducted a workshop at the Bundeswehr Center for Military History and Social Sciences.
Numerous institutional EuroISME members and other research institutes had sent their ethics experts to Potsdam to compile features of a European approach to military ethics and to exchange their thoughts on communicating such a model to the partner armed forces.
The start on Wednesday afternoon was a tour through the city center of Potsdam, during which the historian Dr. Martin Rink from the ZMSBw went into particular detail about the close ties between the seat of imperial power and the prussian military system.
On Thursday, the participants were welcomed by the Scientific Director Dr. Heiko Biehl, who pointed out, among other things, the Europe-wide networking of the ZMSBw with other relevant research institutes. The commander of the ZMSBW, Colonel i.G. Dr. Lange, took also part in the lively exchange of views.
You find an overlook on the course of the meeting by clicking on the following workshop logo:
Right at the beginning, a highly interesting contribution was transmitted by video-conference from EuroISME Vice President Prof. Dr. David Whetham, Director of the Institute of Military Ethics at King's College of London. We make it available here.
All of the contributions and other results of the workshop are to be made available to our members before the end of the year in a new special issue of the zebis e-journal (edition 2023/2).
A more detailed report (in German language) was published on the Homepage of ZMSBw
EuroISME and the ZMSBw would like to thank everyone involved for their kind support of this ambitious project!