The International Society for Military Ethics in Europe
Leadership. Ethics. Service.

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The jury

The jury will consist of seven European experts in the field of military ethics, offering a combination of field experience (the practitioner’s perspective) and the academia (the theoretical perspective). No nation will be represented more than once within the jury, in order to ensure geographical distribution. The chair is held by Colonel Rev. Prof.Dr. P.J. McCormack, MBE, Dean of the Spurgeon's College and former Assistant Chaplain General of the British Armed Forces.

Jury members:

  • Colonel Rev. Prof. Dr. P.J. McCormack, MBE, (chairman, United Kingdom)
  • Brigadier General (ret.) Benoît Royal (France)
  • Senior Chaplain Lt.Col. Dr. Janne Aalto (Finland)
  • Dr. Veronika Bock (Germany)
  • Lt.Col. Dr. Patrick Hofstetter (Switzerland)
  • Dr. Asta Maskaliūnaitė (Estonia)
  • Maj.Gen. (res) Dr. Juan Moliner Gonzalez (Spain) 
  • Prof. Dr. Pieter Vos (The Netherlands)
  • Ms. Ivana Gošić (Serbia, Secretary)

Experts of the jury for the German and French languages:

  • Dr. Florian Demont (Switzerland, German language)
  • Col. Reinhold Janke (Germany, German language)
  • Pasteur Olivier Risnes (France, French language)
  • Eric Germain PhD (France, French language)

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