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The International Society for Military Ethics in Europe
Leadership. Ethics. Service.

Le dernier numéro du Zebis International E-Journal (2022/2) sur "La Guerre en Ukraine" est en ligne :

cover Ethics and Armed Forces 2022 2Thème : "La Guerre en Ukraine"

The Russian invasion of the neighboring state on February 24, 2022, is now almost automatically associated with the buzzword of the "turning point" or the beginning of a "new era". Even if this term expresses the widespread shock about the events in Ukraine, it is rightly questioned. To what extent do concepts of peace ethics and security policy require revision? What are current and future-relevant questions, regardless of a - currently unforeseeable - end to the war?


EuroISME wants to contribute to the discussion! For this reason, we regularly make the publication of a new issue of the Zebis E-Journal a "EuroISME News Topic". And we call on our members and friends - not only in Europe, but also specifically across the Atlantic - to take part in the discussion about basic ethical questions in connection with the military profession.

Krieg Ukraine Landingpage zebisWith the latest issue of the semi-annual e-journal, the Hamburg-based "Center for Ethical Education in the Armed Forces", one of our first institutional members, initiates a debate on how Ukraine may/should be supported in its defense operations and whether the just peace, the peace-ethical model of the Protestant and Catholic Church in Germany, now requires a revision - or a return to essential content ...

Read the editorial of Rüdiger Frank, Research Associate / Editor of e-journals at zebis, as well as further information about the authors.

You can also download the complete 2022/2 issues of the e-journal as a PDF here:

in Englisch  or in German





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